1. My character is more important than my talent
2. Failure is nature’s plan to prepare me for great responsibility
3. Failing is not the worst thing in the world, quitting is
4. It is better to more reliable than brilliant
5. Only a life lived for others is worth living
6. The best thing I can do for my fellow human beings is to love them
7. Opportunity does not stay too long, so I should make the best use of each day
8. The value I place on others is largely a function of the value I place on myself
9. Being successful is not necessarily being first or the best at something, when I give all I’ve got and I’m satisfied with what I got at the end, then I am successful
10. If I must succeed, I should give extra effort and push myself beyond my normal limit
11. A very cheap way to make friends is to be interested in what concerns them
12. If I risk nothing and do nothing; I will eventually have nothing and become nothing
13. Until I respect my own time, I can never respect other people’s time
14. I will never find time for anything except I make out the time
15. Until I manage my time effectively, I will never be able to manage my life effectively
16. By reading more books and watching less TV, I might soon find myself in the best TV
17. If I must get ahead, I must do more than is necessary and must keep doing it.
I hope you have learned something from this too


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