
Showing posts from November, 2014

Saturday is here



A farmer of chickens and cows has a total of 30 animals with 74 legs between them. (All of the animals have the full complement of legs.) How many chickens does the farmer have?

My Mates are this, My Mates are that!

My mates are getting married. My mates are getting good jobs. My mates are succeeding. My mates are living overseas. My mates are buying cars. ... My mates are building houses. My mates are mates are that......


WHERE DID WE GO WRONG?  WAKE UP NIGERIAN YOUTHS Awolowo was (37), Akintola (36), Ahmadu Bello (36) Balewa (34) and Okotie-Eboh (27), Enahoro (27) led the struggle for independence after the death of Macaulay. Only Zik was 42 at the time. In 1966, the first coup was led by: Kaduna Nzeogwu (29)

The last wishes of Alexander the Great.........

The last wishes of Alexander the Great......... On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes: 1. The best doctors should carry his coffin ... 2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery ...

Nigerian Tycoons Lead Africa's 50 Richest

Reported by Zina Moukheiber and Mfonobong Nsehe, with additional reporting from FORBES AFRICA, Christopher Helman, Chase Peterson-Withorn and Katia Savchuk. Edited by Kerry A. Dolan with Abram Brown and Luisa Kroll The Richest Man in Africa: Aliko Dangote For the first time in the four years that FORBES has been tracking Africa’s richest, Nigeria bests South Africa.

Loving what you do creates the much needed Passion to excel


The Problem with Getting Started

The Problem with Getting Started is Getting Started


1. My character is more important than my talent 2. Failure is nature’s plan to prepare me for great responsibility 3. Failing is not the worst thing in the world, quitting is 4. It is better to more reliable than brilliant 5. Only a life lived for others is worth living 6. The best thing I can do for my fellow human beings is to love them 7. Opportunity does not stay too long, so I should make the best use of each day 8. The value I place on others is largely a function of the value I place on myself 9. Being successful is not necessarily being first or the best at something, when I give all I’ve got and I’m satisfied with what I got at the end, then I am successful 10. If I must succeed, I should give extra effort and push myself beyond my normal limit 11. A very cheap way to make friends is to be interested in what concerns them 12. If I risk nothing and do nothing; I will eventually have nothing and become nothing 13. Until I respect my own time, I can never respect ot


-Note the world’s best computer Gurus in number 1, 2 & 6 and the newly added 11 (1) Bill Gates The Harvard Crimson called him "Harvard's most successful dropout" — the rest of the world just calls him ridiculously rich. For more than a decade, Bill Gates has been one of the wealthiest, if not the wealthiest, men in the world. The son of an attorney and a schoolteacher, Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973, only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen. In 2007, more than thirty years after he left Harvard, the co-founder of Microsoft


LIFE CHANGING QUESTIONS: Get your Pen and Paper and Provide answers to these questions below and you are already half way to finding your destiny in life. A) GENERAL QUESTIONS 1. What is it you don't like but it is present in your life? 2. What is it you like but is not present in your life? 3. What is the next level in your academics, work, family and spiritual life 4.  What is the present cause of your sleepless nights? B) ACHIEVEMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you want to achieve? 2. What time or date  do you want to achieve it? 3. What is the monetary cost!? 4. What are the requirements? 5. What will you give in return for achieving it? C) NAME THE MEMBERS OF YOUR MASTERMIND GROUP i) FRIENDS  -People you know, Love and Trust ii) ROLE MODELS: People whose behavior, examples, or success is emulated by you. iii) MENTORS: Dependable People who guides you with their knowledge and experience. iv) SPRINGBOARDS; People who renders a helping hand in order to enables y